Authentic russian restaurant

Russian traditional cuisine

Restaurant Sitin — in Central St. Petersburg!

Sitin restaurant is located in the historic building, which is the beautiful example of Russian architecture of the XIX century. This place, saturated with Russian culture, is a great place to enjoy traditional food, discuss visited sightseeings with your family and friends, and rest after long tours.
Our restaurant’s sophisticated interior design underlines greatness of Russian culture and creates the atmosphere you need to enjoy the beauty of St. Petersburg.
Our menu has a wide range of traditional Russian dishes where our world-class chef expressed his vision. The most tempted foodie will be satisfied with our meat and fish dishes.


We are ready to receive large groups of tourists from all countries

Quality service

We meet our guests with true Russian care and authentical attention

Varied menu

The best dishes of national Russian cuisine serving by best staff

Wi-fi, Parking

All amenities including parking and W-Fi access for you. Catch the moment!

Russian dishes

Блюда русской кухни

Amazing desserts

Потрясающие десерты

Delicious dishes

Вкуснейшие блюда

Dishes from the chef

Блюда от шефа

Authentic drinks

Аутентичные напитки

Luxurious interior

Роскошные интерьеры

Several halls

Несколько залов

Various banquets

Банкеты на любой вкус

Cozy atmosphere

Уютная атмосфера